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React Quickstart

Dependency status Code Quality GitHub workflow status Test coverage GitHub last commit License

A modern template to jump start your React project. The usual additions you make after CRA generation have already been done for you, including code styling rules, auto formatting, test setup, coverage reports, SCSS modules, modern redux setup and more (check the feature list below for more information). You can simply clone-build-run and start adding features, without spending time on setting up folder structures, linting, git hooks, etc.

Built on top of the latest create-react-app, as of Aug 2022, with the following module versions:

Node >= 14.0.0 and npm >= 5.6 are required on your environment, as specified by create-react-app.


How to use

  1. git clone <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  3. yarn or npm i  (or npm i --legacy-peer-deps)
  4. yarn start or npm start

Update your git remote url with git remote set-url origin [NEW_REPO_URL]

Then add some pages, components, tests, etc. to the site, as needed. Check the code comments for tips and explanations.




What’s not included



Note: npm or npm run can be used instead of yarn if preferred  

The following scripts are also included if the linters need to be used separately.

eslint, eslint:fix, stylelint, stylelint:fix, prettier, prettier:fix


Discussions and Contributions

For any questions, suggestions or comments, please use the github discussions section. If you have an improvement to submit, feel free to open a PR. For more details, check the Contribution guidelines



This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2021 Sachindra C. Ariyasinghe. For more information check the LICENSE file.